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tamoadmin 2024-09-08 人已围观

简介1.帮我写一编英语作文你最喜爱的运动2.帮忙写一篇100词左右的英语作文,谢谢啦3.我经常看书,听音乐,还有练书法,我最喜欢的运动是羽毛球,我经常和我的朋友一起打羽毛球。用英语翻译①my fourite sport My forite spot is badminton. Badminton is lots of fun and players with even a modera





①my fourite sport

My forite spot is badminton.

Badminton is lots of fun and players with even a moderate amount of skill can jump right in and enjoy not only the social aspects of team play but also the fantastic health benefits of a great cardiovascular workout.

I play badminton . I think it is a great sport that makes you meet loads of new people and enjoy yourself at the same time!

②My fourite sport

I am an active girl(boy),and I like doing sports very much.My fourite sport is swimming.I often go to swim with my good friend Lily.She likes swimming ,too.And she is very good at it.She always swims better than me. When I am swimming in the pool, I am very hy. I look like a lovely fish in the pond. I enjoy swimming, because swimming can make me strong and healthy. It can also bring me a lot of hiness. Of course, I like watching this sport. I hope I will become a swimmer in the future.




② 我最喜欢的运动



There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is bad-minton. When I was in junior high, I started to play it in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch bad-minton games as much as I can. The bad-minton games he given me the most wonderful time in my life.


My Forite Sports Playing sport is a popular and healthy lifestyle in the world at the moment. Everybody has their own forite sports. So how about mine? Well, I love playing badmintoon ,playing and playing basketball. So they are both my forite sports. When I am free, I will play them with my friends .Although they always make us feel tired , we love playing them. Because do more sports can help us keep in good health. In addition, do more sports also can make people feel relaxed. If we don`t do more sports,our body will weak day by day. How about yours?Can you tell me?我最喜爱的运动



My sports idol is Lin Dan. He is a super badminton player, nicknamed "super dan". He comes from the Chinese Fujian Longyan. Born in 1983.10.4. He is very high, 1.78 high, very strong! Weight 72kg. At the age of five he started to play badminton, is a hard man. At the age of 12 to join the army. But at the age of 18 to the national team, participated in many international competitions, such as: the Beijing Olympic Games and the London Olympic Games, and won two gold medals, to win the honor for our country, won the admiration and reciation of many people. He played very handsome, with the left hand grip and beautiful smash. And after winning the competition, to the audience honoraria, or throw clothes thanks. I like him very much, I want to learn from him, do a good man!



I often read books, listen to music and practise calligraphy. My forite is badminton, and I often play badminton with my friends.